J.J. McDonnell Privacy Policy

J.J. Mcdonnell takes seriously the privacy of thosethat visit our web site. We have established this Privacy Policy to communicatewhat information we collect and how that information is used and safeguarded.

By accessing this website (www.jjmcdonnell.com),you acknowledge the terms and conditions expressed herein. We reserve the rightto change this policy at our sole discretion and without notice.

What information is collected, and why?

When a user visits our website, we collectinformation about the visit that does not identify the user personally. Wetrack information such as the domain from which the user is visiting and theuser's browser type. We also collect specific information regarding the user'ssession on our website. This includes items such as the date and time of thevisit and the pages viewed.

Sometimes we ask a user to voluntarily providepersonally identifiable information (PII). This information generally includes,but is not limited to, name, e-mail address, postal address, and telephonenumber. We request this information when the user requests one of thefollowing:

•  To register to attend an on-line seminar ordemonstration

•  To receive specific information from us such as awhitepaper or code sample

•  To sign up for a mailing list

•  To correspond with us

•  Or any other such activity that we deem necessary

J.J. Mcdonnell does not collect any personallyidentifiable financial or health-related information. We do not intentionallycollect information from children under the age of 13.

How is the information used?

Non-personally identifiable information (non-PII)is collected to allow us to analyze how our website is used and to improve thecontent and service the website provides.

Personally identifiable information is collectedfor analysis to improve the content of the website and the services we providethe user.

J.J. Mcdonnell owns the collected information andwill not sell, trade, or rent the information to others. We may use theinformation to continue contact with the user. This may include contact such asfollow-up calls, e-mail correspondence, or mail correspondence to follow-up onthe contact or to provide marketing information about promotions, new services,or important website changes. J.J. Mcdonnell may share this information withits business partners for the specific purpose of a promotion or serviceoffering.

Are "Cookies" used on the website?

"Cookies" are small pieces of informationthat are placed on a web user's hard drive. We may use cookies to provide youwith better service. Cookies are pieces of information that a Web sitetransfers to your computer's hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Cookies canmake the Web more useful by storing information about your preferences for aparticular site. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and many major Websites use them to provide useful features for their customers. Cookies in andof themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify auser's computer. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If youprefer, you can set your browser to refuse cookies. However, you may not beable to take full advantage of the functionality of the J.J. Mcdonnell site ifyou do so.

How is personally identifiable informationsafeguarded?

J.J. Mcdonnell utilizes industry standard methodsand mechanisms such as firewalls, intrusion monitoring, and passwords toprotect electronic information. Multiple physical security methods such aslocking devices and 24 hour premise monitoring are also employed. Finally,access to PII is limited to a small number of personnel and on a need-to-knowbasis.

Links to other web sites

J.J. Mcdonnell]web site may contain links to otherinternet web sites. J.J. Mcdonnell neither controls nor endorses external sitesand is not responsible for the content of such sites. This policy does notcover the privacy policies and data collection practices of non-J.J. Mcdonnellweb sites.

How to opt out of correspondence

Based on the information a user has provided, J.J. Mcdonnell may sende-mail correspondence to the user. Each correspondence will contain an easymeans to opt out of further correspondence.


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